

Default: Falls back to Django date formatting. (See Format localization, DATE_FORMAT)

Format of dates, if different from the Django standard. Uses the same options as date-and-time-formatting-specifiers, plus ‘X’ which only gives the year if it is not the current year.

Added in version 0.9.1. Use JOYOUS_DATE_FORMAT = "l jS \\o\\f F X" for formatting as it was previously.


Default: Falls back to Django date formatting. (See Format localization, SHORT_DATE_FORMAT)

Short format of dates, if different from the Django standard. Uses the same options as JOYOUS_DATE_FORMAT.

Added in version 0.9.1. Use JOYOUS_DATE_SHORT_FORMAT = "j F Y" for formatting as it was previously.


Default: 25

Page limit for a list of events.

Added in version 0.8.1.


Default: Falls back to Django date formatting. (See Format localization, FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK)

The first day of the week, 0=Sunday or 1=Monday.

Added in version 0.9.5.


Default: "joyous.GroupPage"

To swap out the Groups model.


Default: False

Enable group selection? False or True.


Default: "" (Empty string)

Observed holidays using python-holidays. Specified as string of countries [with regions in square brackets] separated by commas. e.g. "NZ[WTL,Nelson],AU[*],Northern Ireland".

See Holidays.


Default: "/static/joyous/img/logo.png"

This is the image that is displayed on RSS for your channel.


Default: "" (Empty string)

The path of a theme CSS file to include. Joyous CSS does not push colour or font choices. But there are theme CSS files available which you can optionally choose to import using this setting.

Available themes:
  • joyous_coast_theme.css: Greys and gold.
  • joyous_forest_theme.css: Greens.
  • joyous_stellar_theme.css: A dark background theme.

Added in version 0.9.0. Use JOYOUS_THEME_CSS = "/static/joyous/css/joyous_coast_theme.css" to continue with the previous default appearance.


Default: Falls back to Django time formatting. (See Format localization, TIME_FORMAT)

Format of times, if different from the Django standard. Uses the same options as date-and-time-formatting-specifiers, plus ‘q’ which gives am or pm in lowercase.

Added in version 0.9.1. Use JOYOUS_TIME_FORMAT = "fq" for formatting as it was previously.


Default: "24"

Prompt for 12 or 24 hour times.


Default: False

If this is set to True then the list of upcoming events will also include events that have already started but have not yet finished.

Added in version 0.9.5.