Joyous 0.9.1 release notes

What’s new

Date and Time formats

New settings JOYOUS_DATE_FORMAT, JOYOUS_DATE_SHORT_FORMAT and JOYOUS_TIME_FORMAT now allow custom formatting of dateFormat, dateShortFormat (formerly known as dateFormatYMD) and timeFormat. (See Settings for details.) If a setting is not set then Joyous will default to using the standard Django formatting.

Use the following settings to keep the date and time formats as they were previously.

JOYOUS_DATE_FORMAT = "l jS \\o\\f F X"

Other features

  • Better unit test coverage.

Bug fixes

  • In _add12hrFormats fix which locales have 12hr time formats added
  • Documentation fixes
  • Fix the CSS class of exception_base and postponement_page event images