Joyous 0.8.1 release notes

What’s new


You are reading it.


Joyous now supports multiple languages. Thanks to Dylan Ferris for the work on the internationalization of Joyous and creating the French translation.

Heureux heureux, joie joie.


.page-index .item-heading has been changed to .page-index strong, and .event-index .item-heading has been changed to .event-index strong


Joyous no longer needs a customised base.html with “global_css” and “background” blocks. The joyous.css is included in the “extra_css” block, and the HTML required for popups on the calendar pages are generated dynamically by Javascript.


  • Export RRULE UNTIL dates as UTC datetimes / use timezone upon import
  • Define timezones transistions until 2038 if no other end date is available
  • Add an option to convert UTC timezone events into local time
  • Use X-WR-TIMEZONE if given as the current timezone during an import
  • MultidayRecurringEventPage import/export
  • RescheduleMultidayEventPage import/export

Other features

  • Switch to “rescheduled from” not “postponed from” if the postponement is earlier than the original event
  • Create RescheduleMultidayEventPage exception type for MultidayRecurringEventPage

Bug fixes

  • Handle creating a postponement for a finished recurring event
  • Postponements can be created after the until date so ignore that for working out the status of a recurring event
  • A datetime may have a tzinfo of None
  • Fix double inclusion of group events
  • Exceptions of MultidayRecurringEventPage now display the number of days
  • Non-reversible reg-exp portion: ‘(?i’” exception (Dylan Ferris)