
The easiest way to install Joyous is from the Python Package Index.

Install the package.

$ pip install ls.joyous

Add ls.joyous and wagtail.contrib.modeladmin to your INSTALLED_APPS.


Make sure USE_TZ is set to True

USE_TZ = True

The blocks content, extra_css and extra_js are required in the base.html template for the Joyous templates to work. A Wagtail project based upon the default template will have these.

Run migrations and collectstatic.

$ ./ migrate
$ ./ collectstatic --no-input


Joyous version 1.4.0 is known to work with the following versions of Wagtail, Django and Python.

Wagtail Django Python
2.10.2 3.1.6 3.7.1
2.10.2 3.1.6 3.8.7
2.10.2 3.1.6 3.9.1
2.11.3 3.1.6 3.7.1
2.11.3 3.1.6 3.8.7
2.11.3 3.1.6 3.9.1
2.12 3.1.6 3.7.1
2.12 3.1.6 3.8.7
2.12 3.1.6 3.9.1

Other versions may work - YMMV.