Joyous 0.9.2 release notes

What’s new


An RSS Feed of the Upcoming Events is now available. Via a link at the bottom of the /calendar/upcoming/ page, or by adding ?format=rss to any calendar page URL.


The Calendar pages and MiniCalendar tag have had an undocumented dependency on jQuery being loaded somewhere on the pages that they are on (e.g. in base.html). I have changed this so now they will load jQuery 3.2.1 as joyJQ via noConflict. This is done in the included template joyous/includes/joyjq.html.

{% load static %}
<script src="{% static 'wagtailadmin/js/vendor/jquery-3.2.1.min.js' %}"></script>
<script>joyJQ = $.noConflict(true);</script>

Just override this template if you don’t like how it works. An empty file here will restore the previous behaviour. The Calendar and MiniCalendar will prefer using joyJQ for jQuery, but if that does not exist will fall back to $.

The Admin RecurrenceWidget also has a dependency upon jQuery. But as jQuery is always available on Admin pages this is not a problem. The RecurrenceWidget will prefer using joyJQ for jQuery, but if that does not exist will fall back to $, and if that does not exist will fall back to django.jQuery.

Other features

  • Rename timeTo as getTimeTo, timeFrom as getTimeFrom
  • MultidayRecurringEventPage now uses the template recurring_event_page.html
  • RescheduleMultidayEventPage now uses the template postponement_page.html
  • Improvements to documentation
  • Better unit test coverage

Bug fixes

  • Return [] if getGroupUpcomingEvents is called without a group
  • Return [] if future_exceptions tag is called without a recurring event
  • Use gettext in at_time_display filter
  • dateShortFormat will use Django’s SHORT_DATE_FORMAT if JOYOUS_DATE_SHORT_FORMAT is not set