
Get Events API

ls.joyous.models.getAllEventsByDay(request, fromDate, toDate, *, home=None, holidays=None)[source]

Return all the events (under home if given) for the dates given, grouped by day.

  • request – Django request object
  • fromDate – starting date (inclusive)
  • toDate – finish date (inclusive)
  • home – only include events that are under this page (if given)
  • holidays – the holidays that are celebrated for these dates
Return type:

list of EventsOnDay objects

ls.joyous.models.getAllEventsByWeek(request, year, month, *, home=None, holidays=None)[source]

Return all the events (under home if given) for the given month, grouped by week.

  • request – Django request object
  • year (int) – the year
  • month (int) – the month
  • home – only include events that are under this page (if given)
  • holidays – the holidays that are celebrated for these dates

a list of sublists (one for each week) each of 7 elements which are either None for days outside of the month, or the events on the day.

Return type:

list of lists of None or EventsOnDay objects

ls.joyous.models.getAllUpcomingEvents(request, *, home=None, holidays=None)[source]

Return all the upcoming events (under home if given).

  • request – Django request object
  • home – only include events that are under this page (if given)
  • holidays – holidays that may affect these events
Return type:

list of ThisEvents

ls.joyous.models.getAllPastEvents(request, *, home=None, holidays=None)[source]

Return all the past events (under home if given).

  • request – Django request object
  • home – only include events that are under this page (if given)
  • holidays – holidays that may affect these events
Return type:

list of the ThisEvents

ls.joyous.models.getGroupUpcomingEvents(request, group, holidays=None)[source]

Return all the upcoming events that are assigned to the specified group.

  • request – Django request object
  • group – for this group page
  • holidays – holidays that may affect these events
Return type:

list of ThisEvents

ls.joyous.models.getEventFromUid(request, uid)[source]

Get the event by its UID (raises PermissionDenied if we have no authority, ObjectDoesNotExist if it is not found).

  • request – Django request object
  • uid – iCal unique identifier
Return type:

event page

ls.joyous.models.getAllEvents(request, *, home=None, holidays=None)[source]

Return all the events (under home if given).

  • request – Django request object
  • home – only include events that are under this page (if given)
  • holidays – holidays that may affect these events
Return type:

list of event pages


class ls.joyous.models.EventsOnDay(date, holiday=None, days_events=None, continuing_events=None)[source]

The events that occur on a certain day. Both events that start on that day and events that are still continuing.


The events that start on this day

Return type:list of the namedtuple ThisEvent (title, page, url)

The events that are still continuing on this day

Return type:list of the namedtuple ThisEvent (title, page, url)

All the events that occur on this day, days_events + continuing_events.


A short description of some of the events on this day (limited to 100 characters).


The weekday abbreviation for this days (e.g. “mon”).


Inheritance diagram of EventCategory
class ls.joyous.models.EventCategory(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

The category type of an event.


A short 4 character code for the category.


The category name.


Inheritance diagram of EventBase
class ls.joyous.models.EventBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


A unique identifier for the event, used for iCal import/export.


What type of event is this?


A banner image for the event.


The time the event starts (optional).


The time the event finishes (optional).


The time zone for the event. No, sorry, you can’t set different time zones for time_from and time_to.


A page chosen to link a group of events together.


Free text for whatever else you want to say about the event.


Where the event will occur. If wagtailgmaps is installed MapFieldPanel will be used, but this is not a requirement.


A website location for the event.


The group this event belongs to. Adding the event as a child of a group automatically assigns the event to that group.


The datetime this event will start or did start in the local timezone, or None if it is finished.


The datetime this event next starts in the local timezone, or None if in the past.


The datetime this event previously started in the local timezone, or None if it never did.


The datetime this event first started in the local time zone, or None if it never did.


The current status of the event (started, finished or pending).


A text description of the current status of the event.


A string describing what time the event starts (in the local time zone).

classmethod _removeContentPanels(*args)[source]

Remove the panels and so hide the fields named.


Is the user authorized for the requested action with this event?

get_context(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
_getLocalWhen(date_from, date_to=None)[source]

Returns a string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


Time that the event starts (in the local time zone) for the given date.


Datetime that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event ends (in the local time zone).


Inheritance diagram of SimpleEventPage
class ls.joyous.models.SimpleEventPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, uid, category, image, time_from, time_to, tz, group_page, details, location, website, date)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.event_base.EventBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


The date that the event occurs on.


A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


Time that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event ends (in the local time zone).


Inheritance diagram of MultidayEventPage
class ls.joyous.models.MultidayEventPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, uid, category, image, time_from, time_to, tz, group_page, details, location, website, date_from, date_to)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.event_base.EventBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


The date the event starts.


The date the event finishes.


A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


Time that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event ends (in the local time zone).


Inheritance diagram of RecurringEventPage
class ls.joyous.models.RecurringEventPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, uid, category, image, time_from, time_to, tz, group_page, details, location, website, repeat, num_days)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.event_base.EventBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


The recurrence rule of when the event occurs.


The number of days an occurrence lasts for.


Date when this event is next scheduled to occur in the local time zone (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations)


The datetime this event will start or did start in the local timezone, or None if it is finished.


The datetime this event next starts in the local timezone, or None if in the past.


Date when this event last occurred in the local time zone (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations)


The datetime this event previously started in the local time zone, or None if it never did.


The datetime this event first started in the local time zone, or None if it never did.


The current status of the event (started, finished or pending).


A text description of the current status of the event.


A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


What was the time of this event? Due to time zones that depends what day we are talking about. If no day is given, assume today.

Parameters:atDate – day in local timezone for which we want the time_from
Return type:time_from in local timezone

Returns all future extra info, cancellations and postponements created for this recurring event


Formatted date/time of when this event (including any postponements) will next be on


Returns true iff an occurence of this event starts on this date (given in the event’s own timezone).

(Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations.)


The datetime this event first started, or None if it never did.


The datetime this event first finished, or None if it never did.


Date when this event is next scheduled to occur in my time zone (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations)


Inheritance diagram of MultidayRecurringEventPage
class ls.joyous.models.MultidayRecurringEventPage(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.utils.mixins.ProxyPageMixin, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.RecurringEventPage

A proxy of RecurringEventPage that exposes the hidden num_days field.


Inheritance diagram of EventExceptionBase
class ls.joyous.models.EventExceptionBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


The recurring event that we are updating. overrides is also the parent (the published version of parent), but the parent is not set until the child is saved and added.


Shortcut for overrides.num_days.


Shortcut for overrides.time_from.


Shortcut for overrides.time_to.


Shortcut for


Shortcut for


Shortcut for overrides.category.


Shortcut for overrides.image.


Shortcut for overrides.location.


Shortcut for


A string describing what time the event starts (in the local time zone).


The recurrence rule of the event being overridden.

get_context(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Is the user authorized for the requested action with this event?


Copy across field values from the recurring event parent.


Inheritance diagram of DateExceptionBase
class ls.joyous.models.DateExceptionBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.EventExceptionBase


For this date.


Localised version of the human-readable title of the page.


A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).

full_clean(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Apply fixups that need to happen before per-field validation occurs. Sets the page’s title.

_getLocalWhen(date_from, num_days=1)[source]

Returns a string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


Time that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the event ends (in the local time zone).


Copy across field values from the recurring event parent.


Inheritance diagram of ExtraInfoPage
class ls.joyous.models.ExtraInfoPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, overrides, except_date, extra_title, extra_information)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.DateExceptionBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


A more specific title for this occurrence (optional).


Information just for this date.


Shortcut for overrides.details.


The current status of the event (started, finished or pending).


A text description of the current status of the event.


The datetime this event will start or did start in the local timezone, or None if it is finished.


The datetime this event next starts in the local timezone, or None if in the past.


The datetime this event previously started in the local timezone, or None if it never did.


Inheritance diagram of CancellationBase
class ls.joyous.models.CancellationBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Show in place of cancelled event (Leave empty to show nothing).


Why was the event cancelled?


The current status of the event


A text description of the current status of the event.


Inheritance diagram of CancellationPage
class ls.joyous.models.CancellationPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, overrides, except_date, cancellation_title, cancellation_details)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.CancellationBase, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.DateExceptionBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if it would have finished by now.


The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if that is in the past.


The datetime of the event that was cancelled in the local timezone, or None if it never would have.


The URL to a page describing the cancellation for Postponements and plain Cancellations.


The URL to a page describing the cancellation for Postponements and plain Cancellations.


Inheritance diagram of RescheduleEventBase
class ls.joyous.models.RescheduleEventBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.event_base.EventBase

This class exists just so that the class attributes defined here are picked up by Django before the properties from EventExceptionBase, as well as before EventBase.


The number of days an occurrence lasts for.


Shortcut for


Shortcut for


Shortcut for overrides.uid.

get_context(request, *args, **kwargs)


Inheritance diagram of PostponementPage
class ls.joyous.models.PostponementPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, overrides, except_date, cancellation_title, cancellation_details, cancellationpage_ptr, category, image, time_from, time_to, details, location, website, num_days, postponement_title, date)[source]

Bases: wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models.RoutablePageMixin, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.RescheduleEventBase, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.CancellationPage


The title for the postponed event.


The date that the event was postponed to.


The current status of the event (started, finished or pending).


A string describing when the postponement occurs (in the local time zone).


A string describing when the event was postponed from (in the local time zone).


May return a ‘postponed’ or ‘rescheduled’ string depending what the start and finish time of the event has been changed to.


Date that the event was postponed from (in the local time zone).


Date that the event was postponed to (in the local time zone).


A string describing what time the event starts (in the local time zone).


Time that the postponement starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the postponement starts (in the local time zone).


Datetime that the postponement ends (in the local time zone).


Copy across field values from the recurring event parent.


Inheritance diagram of RescheduleMultidayEventPage
class ls.joyous.models.RescheduleMultidayEventPage(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.utils.mixins.ProxyPageMixin, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.PostponementPage

A proxy of PostponementPage that exposes the hidden num_days field.


Inheritance diagram of ClosedForHolidaysPage
class ls.joyous.models.ClosedForHolidaysPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, overrides, cancellation_title, cancellation_details, all_holidays)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.CancellationBase, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.EventExceptionBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


Closed for all holidays?


Or, closed for these holidays


Localised version of the human-readable title of the page.


A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


The list of holidays we are closed for, or “ALL” if we are closed for all holidays.


The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if it would have finished by now.


The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if that is in the past.


The datetime of the event that was cancelled in the local timezone, or None if it never would have.


Return all the dates which we are closed for in the local timezone

classmethod can_create_at(parent)[source]

Checks if this page type can be created as a subpage under a parent page instance.


Return all the dates which we are closed for in the event timezone


Time that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Cache the set of names of the holidays we are closed for. This needs to be re-called if the page’s fields change.


Are we closed for holidays on myDate?


Inheritance diagram of ExtCancellationPage
class ls.joyous.models.ExtCancellationPage(id, path, depth, numchild, translation_key, locale, title, draft_title, slug, content_type, live, has_unpublished_changes, url_path, owner, seo_title, show_in_menus, search_description, go_live_at, expire_at, expired, locked, locked_at, locked_by, first_published_at, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live_revision, alias_of, page_ptr, overrides, cancellation_title, cancellation_details, cancelled_from_date, cancelled_to_date)[source]

Bases: ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.CancellationBase, ls.joyous.models.recurring_events.EventExceptionBase, wagtail.core.models.Page


Cancelled from this date


Cancelled to this date (Leave empty for “until further notice”)


Localised version of the human-readable title of the page.


A string describing how long we are cancelled for


A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone).


The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if it would have finished by now.


The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if that is in the past.


The datetime of the event that was cancelled in the local timezone, or None if it never would have.

full_clean(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Apply fixups that need to happen before per-field validation occurs. Sets the page’s title.

_getMyDates(, 1, 1),, 12, 31))[source]

Return all the dates which we are cancelled for in the event timezone. Only if the event occurs on those dates. Limited by fromDate and toDate if given.

_getMyRawDates(, 1, 1),, 12, 31))[source]

Return all the dates which we are cancelled for in the event timezone. Without considering if the event occurs on those dates. Limited by fromDate and toDate if given.


Time that the event starts (in the local time zone).


Are we closed on myDate?