Source code for ls.joyous.models.recurring_events

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Joyous events models
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import datetime as dt
from operator import attrgetter
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator
from django.contrib.admin.widgets import FilteredSelectMultiple
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.query import ModelIterable
from django import forms
from django.forms import widgets
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import gettext, gettext_noop
from wagtail.core.models import Page
from wagtail.core.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import (FieldPanel, MultiFieldPanel,
from wagtail.images.edit_handlers import ImageChooserPanel
from wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models import RoutablePageMixin, route
from import index
from wagtail.admin.forms import WagtailAdminPageForm
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
from ..utils.manythings import hrJoin
from ..utils.mixins import ProxyPageMixin
from ..utils.telltime import (todayUtc, getAwareDatetime, getLocalDatetime,
        getLocalDateAndTime, getLocalDate, getLocalTime, getLocalTimeAtDate)
from ..utils.telltime import getTimeFrom, getTimeTo
from ..utils.telltime import timeFormat, dateFormat
from ..fields import RecurrenceField
from ..forms import FormDefender, BorgPageForm
from ..edit_handlers import (TZDatePanel, ExceptionDatePanel, TimePanel,
from ..holidays import Holidays
from .groups import get_group_model_string
from .event_base import (ThisEvent, EventsByDayList,
        EventManager, EventQuerySet, EventPageForm, EventBase)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper types and constants
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_1day  = dt.timedelta(days=1)
_2days = dt.timedelta(days=2)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Event models
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class EventWithHolidaysManager(EventManager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return self._queryset_class(self.model).live()

    def __call__(self, request, holidays):
        # a shortcut
        return self.get_queryset().auth(request).hols(holidays)

class EventWithHolidaysQuerySet(EventQuerySet):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.holidays = None

    def _clone(self):
        qs = super()._clone()
        qs.holidays = self.holidays
        return qs

    def _fetch_all(self):
        # make sure we all have the same holidays
        if self.holidays is not None:
            for item in self._result_cache:
                for event in getattr(item, 'all_events', [item]):
                    page = getattr(event, 'page', event)
                    page.holidays = self.holidays

    def hols(self, holidays):
        qs = self._clone()
        qs.holidays = holidays
        return qs

class RecurringEventQuerySet(EventWithHolidaysQuerySet):
    def this(self):
        request = self.request
        class ThisIterable(ModelIterable):
            def __iter__(self):
                for page in super().__iter__():
                    yield ThisEvent(page, url=page.get_url(request))
        qs = self._clone()
        qs._iterable_class = ThisIterable
        return qs

    def byDay(self, fromDate, toDate):
        request  = self.request
        holidays = self.holidays
        class ByDayIterable(ModelIterable):
            def __iter__(self):
                evods = EventsByDayList(fromDate, toDate, holidays)
                for page in super().__iter__():
                    exceptions = self.__getExceptionsFor(page)
                    closedHols = self.__getClosedForHolidays(page)
                    startDelta = dt.timedelta(days=page.num_days + 1)
                    for occurence in page.repeat.between(fromDate - startDelta,
                                                         toDate + _2days,
                        thisEvent = None
                        exception = exceptions.get(occurence)
                        if exception:
                            if exception.title:
                                thisEvent = exception
                        elif closedHols and closedHols._closedOn(occurence):
                            # ClosedForHolidaysPage still affects the event,
                            # even if the user is not authorized
                            if (closedHols.isAuthorized(request) and
                                thisEvent = ThisEvent(closedHols.cancellation_title,
                            thisEvent = ThisEvent(page, url=page.get_url(request))
                        if thisEvent:
                            pageFromDate = getLocalDate(occurence,
                            daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=page.num_days - 1)
                            pageToDate = getLocalDate(occurence + daysDelta,
                            evods.add(thisEvent, pageFromDate, pageToDate)
                yield from evods

            def __getExceptionsFor(self, page):
                dateRange = (fromDate - _2days, toDate + _2days)
                exceptions = {}
                for extraInfo in\
                    title = extraInfo.extra_title or page.title
                    exceptDate = extraInfo.except_date
                    exceptions[exceptDate] = ThisEvent(title, extraInfo,
                for cancellation in   \
                    # The cancellation still affects the event, even if the
                    # user is not authorized to view the cancellation.
                    if cancellation.isAuthorized(request):
                        title = cancellation.cancellation_title
                        url = cancellation.getCancellationUrl(request)
                        title = None
                        url = None
                    exceptDate = cancellation.except_date
                    exceptions[exceptDate] = ThisEvent(title, cancellation, url)
                # TODO consider storing extended cancellations in an interval tree?
                for shutdown in    \
                           .filter(cancelled_from_date__lte=dateRange[1])    \
                           .filter(Q(cancelled_to_date__gte=dateRange[0]) |
                                   Q(cancelled_to_date__isnull = True)):
                    if shutdown.isAuthorized(request):
                        title = shutdown.cancellation_title
                        url = shutdown.get_url(request)
                        title = None
                        url = None
                    thisEvent = ThisEvent(title, shutdown, url)
                    for myDate in shutdown._getMyRawDates(*dateRange):
                        exceptions[myDate] = thisEvent
                return exceptions

            def __getClosedForHolidays(self, page):
                closedHols =     \
                return closedHols

        qs = self._clone()
        qs._iterable_class = ByDayIterable
        return qs

# Panel trickery needed as editing proxy models doesn't work yet :-(
class HiddenNumDaysPanel(FieldPanel):
    class widget(widgets.NumberInput):
        def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
            # validation doesn't like num_days disappearing
            return data.get(name, "1")

    def __init__(self, field_name="num_days", *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(field_name, *args, **kwargs)

    def render_as_object(self):
        return super().render_as_object() if self._show() else ""

    def render_as_field(self):
        return super().render_as_field() if self._show() else ""

    def _show(self):
        page = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
        if isinstance(page, (MultidayRecurringEventPage,
            retval = True
            numDays = getattr(page, 'num_days', 0)
            retval = numDays > 1
        return retval

class RecurringEventPageForm(EventPageForm):
    def _checkStartBeforeEnd(self, cleaned_data):
        numDays = cleaned_data.get('num_days', 1)
        if numDays == 1:

[docs]class RecurringEventPage(EventBase, Page, metaclass=FormDefender): events = EventWithHolidaysManager.from_queryset(RecurringEventQuerySet)() class Meta: verbose_name = _("recurring event page") verbose_name_plural = _("recurring event pages") default_manager_name = "objects" parent_page_types = ["joyous.CalendarPage", "joyous.SpecificCalendarPage", "joyous.GeneralCalendarPage", get_group_model_string()] subpage_types = ['joyous.ExtraInfoPage', 'joyous.CancellationPage', 'joyous.ExtCancellationPage', 'joyous.ClosedForHolidaysPage', 'joyous.PostponementPage'] base_form_class = RecurringEventPageForm MAX_REPEAT_COUNT = 500 repeat = RecurrenceField(_("repeat")) num_days = models.IntegerField(_("number of days"), default=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(99)]) content_panels0 = Page.content_panels + [ FieldPanel('category'), ImageChooserPanel('image'), FieldPanel('repeat')] content_panels1 = [ TimePanel('time_from'), TimePanel('time_to'), FieldPanel('tz'), ] + EventBase.content_panels1 content_panels = content_panels0 + [HiddenNumDaysPanel()] + content_panels1 # Anything inheriting from models.Model needs its own __init__ or # modeltranslation patch_constructor may break it def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.holidays = kwargs.pop("holidays", None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def next_date(self): """ Date when this event is next scheduled to occur in the local time zone (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations) """ myNextDt = self.__after(timezone.localtime( if myNextDt is not None: return getLocalDate(, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) @property def _current_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event will start or did start in the local timezone, or None if it is finished. """ myNow = timezone.localtime( timeFrom = getTimeFrom(self.time_from) timeTo = getTimeTo(self.time_to) # Yes this ignores DST transitions and milliseconds timeDelta = dt.timedelta(days = self.num_days - 1, hours = timeTo.hour - timeFrom.hour, minutes = timeTo.minute - timeFrom.minute, seconds = timeTo.second - timeFrom.second) myNextDt = self.__after(myNow - timeDelta, excludeCancellations=True, excludeExtraInfo=True) if myNextDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def _future_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event next starts in the local timezone, or None if in the past. """ myNextDt = self.__after(timezone.localtime(, excludeCancellations=True, excludeExtraInfo=True) if myNextDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def prev_date(self): """ Date when this event last occurred in the local time zone (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations) """ myPrevDt = self.__before(timezone.localtime( if myPrevDt is not None: return getLocalDate(, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) @property def _past_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event previously started in the local time zone, or None if it never did. """ myPrevDt = self.__before(timezone.localtime(, excludeCancellations=True, excludeExtraInfo=True) # Exclude extra info pages as this is used for sorting and the extra # info pages sit alongside if myPrevDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def _first_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event first started in the local time zone, or None if it never did. """ myFromDt = self._getMyFirstDatetimeFrom() localTZ = timezone.get_current_timezone() return myFromDt.astimezone(localTZ) @property def status(self): """ The current status of the event (started, finished or pending). """ myNow = timezone.localtime( myDaysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) # NB: postponements can be created after the until date # so ignore that todayStart = getAwareDatetime(, dt.time.min, eventStart, event = self.__afterOrPostponedTo(todayStart - myDaysDelta) # Will miss any postponements that started more than myDaysDelta ago # which might still be active if their num_days is longer than that. if eventStart is None: return "finished" eventDaysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=event.num_days - 1) eventFinish = getAwareDatetime( + eventDaysDelta, event.time_to, if event.time_from is None: eventStart += _1day if eventStart < myNow < eventFinish: # if there are two occurences on the same day then we may miss # that one of them has started return "started" if (self.repeat.until and eventFinish < myNow and self.__afterOrPostponedTo(myNow)[0] is None): # only just wound up, the last occurence was earlier today return "finished" @property def status_text(self): """ A text description of the current status of the event. """ status = self.status if status == "finished": return _("These events have finished.") else: return super().status_text @property def when(self): """ A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone). """ offset = 0 timeFrom = dateFrom = timeTo = dateTo = None myFromDt = self.__getMyFromDt() if myFromDt is not None: offset = timezone.localtime(myFromDt).toordinal() - myFromDt.toordinal() dateFrom, timeFrom = getLocalDateAndTime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) dateTo, timeTo = getLocalDateAndTime( + daysDelta, self.time_to, if dateFrom == dateTo: retval = _("{repeat} {atTime}").format( repeat=self.repeat._getWhen(offset), atTime=timeFormat(timeFrom, timeTo, gettext("at "))) else: localNumDays = (dateTo - dateFrom).days + 1 retval = _("{repeat} {startFinishTime}").format( repeat=self.repeat._getWhen(offset, localNumDays), startFinishTime=timeFormat(timeFrom, timeTo, prefix=gettext("starting at "), infix=gettext("finishing at"))) return retval.strip()
[docs] def _getFromTime(self, atDate=None): """ What was the time of this event? Due to time zones that depends what day we are talking about. If no day is given, assume today. :param atDate: day in local timezone for which we want the time_from :rtype: time_from in local timezone """ if atDate is None: atDate = timezone.localdate() return getLocalTimeAtDate(atDate, self.time_from,
[docs] def _futureExceptions(self, request): """ Returns all future extra info, cancellations and postponements created for this recurring event """ retval = [] for extraInfo in \ .future(): retval.append(extraInfo) for cancellation in \ .future(): postponement = getattr(cancellation, "postponementpage", None) if postponement: retval.append(postponement) else: retval.append(cancellation) for shutdown in \ .future(): retval.append(shutdown) closedHols =, self.holidays) \ .child_of(self).first() if closedHols is not None: retval.append(closedHols) retval.sort(key=attrgetter('_future_datetime_from')) # notice these are events not ThisEvents return retval
[docs] def _nextOn(self, request): """ Formatted date/time of when this event (including any postponements) will next be on """ retval = None myNow = timezone.localtime( myNextDt, event = self.__afterOrPostponedTo(myNow) if myNextDt is not None: nextDate, nextTime = getLocalDateAndTime(, event.time_from,, dt.time.min) retval = "{} {}".format(dateFormat(nextDate), timeFormat(nextTime, prefix=gettext("at "))) if event is not self and event.isAuthorized(request): retval = format_html('<a class="inline-link" href="{}">{}</a>', event.url, retval) return retval
[docs] def _occursOn(self, myDate): """ Returns true iff an occurence of this event starts on this date (given in the event's own timezone). (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations.) """ if myDate not in self.repeat: return False if \ .filter(except_date=myDate).exists(): return False if \ .filter(cancelled_from_date__lte=myDate) \ .filter(Q(cancelled_to_date__gte=myDate) | Q(cancelled_to_date__isnull = True)) \ .exists(): return False closedHols = \ .child_of(self).first() if closedHols and closedHols._closedOn(myDate): return False return True
[docs] def _getMyFirstDatetimeFrom(self): """ The datetime this event first started, or None if it never did. """ myStartDt = getAwareDatetime(self.repeat.dtstart, None,, dt.time.min) return self.__after(myStartDt, excludeCancellations=False)
[docs] def _getMyFirstDatetimeTo(self, myFirstDt=False): """ The datetime this event first finished, or None if it never did. """ if myFirstDt is False: myFirstDt = self._getMyFirstDatetimeFrom() if myFirstDt is not None: daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) return getAwareDatetime( + daysDelta, self.time_to,, dt.time.max)
[docs] def _getMyNextDate(self): """ Date when this event is next scheduled to occur in my time zone (Does not include postponements, but does exclude cancellations) """ myNextDt = self.__after(timezone.localtime( if myNextDt is not None: return
def __getMyFromDt(self): """ Get the datetime of the next event after or before now in my timezone. """ myNow = timezone.localtime( return self.__after(myNow) or self.__before(myNow) def __afterOrPostponedTo(self, fromDt): after = self.__after(fromDt) # We know all postponement exception dates are in the parent time zone if after: # is there a postponed event before that? # nb: range is inclusive dateRange = (, postponements = \ .filter(date__range=(dateRange)) \ .order_by('date', 'time_from') for postponement in postponements: postDt = getAwareDatetime(, postponement.time_from,, dt.time.min) postDtMax = getAwareDatetime(, postponement.time_from,, dt.time.max) if postDt < after and postDtMax >= fromDt: return (postDt, postponement) else: # is there a postponed event then? postponements = \ .filter( \ .order_by('date', 'time_from') for postponement in postponements: postDt = getAwareDatetime(, postponement.time_from,, dt.time.min) postDtMax = getAwareDatetime(, postponement.time_from,, dt.time.max) if postDtMax >= fromDt: return (postDt, postponement) if after is not None: return (after, self) else: return (None, None) def __after(self, fromDt, excludeCancellations=True, excludeExtraInfo=False): fromDate = if self.time_from and self.time_from < fromDt.time(): fromDate += _1day exceptions = set() shutdowns = [] closedHols = None if excludeCancellations: for cancelled in \ .filter(except_date__gte=fromDate): exceptions.add(cancelled.except_date) # TODO consider storing extended cancellations in an interval tree? shutdowns = \ .filter(Q(cancelled_to_date__gte=fromDate) | Q(cancelled_to_date__isnull = True)) closedHols = \ .child_of(self).first() if excludeExtraInfo: for info in \ .filter(except_date__gte=fromDate) \ .exclude(extra_title=""): exceptions.add(info.except_date) for occurence in self.repeat.xafter(fromDate, count=self.MAX_REPEAT_COUNT, inc=True): if occurence in exceptions: continue shutdown = next((shutdown for shutdown in shutdowns if shutdown._closedOn(occurence)), None) if shutdown is not None: if shutdown.cancelled_to_date is None: break else: # the next line is run; coverage is wrong continue # pragma: no cover if closedHols and closedHols._closedOn(occurence): continue return getAwareDatetime(occurence, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) def __before(self, fromDt, excludeCancellations=True, excludeExtraInfo=False): fromDate = if self.time_from and self.time_from > fromDt.time(): fromDate -= _1day exceptions = set() shutdowns = [] if excludeCancellations: for cancelled in \ .filter(except_date__lte=fromDate): exceptions.add(cancelled.except_date) shutdowns = \ .filter(cancelled_from_date__lte=fromDate) closedHols = \ .child_of(self).first() if excludeExtraInfo: for info in \ .filter(except_date__lte=fromDate) \ .exclude(extra_title=""): exceptions.add(info.except_date) last = None for occurence in self.repeat: if occurence > fromDate: break if occurence in exceptions: continue if any(shutdown._closedOn(occurence) for shutdown in shutdowns): continue if closedHols and closedHols._closedOn(occurence): continue last = occurence if last is not None: return getAwareDatetime(last, self.time_from,, dt.time.min)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class MultidayRecurringEventPage(ProxyPageMixin, RecurringEventPage): """ A proxy of RecurringEventPage that exposes the hidden num_days field. """ class Meta(ProxyPageMixin.Meta): verbose_name = _("multiday recurring event page") verbose_name_plural = _("multiday recurring event pages") subpage_types = ['joyous.ExtraInfoPage', 'joyous.CancellationPage', 'joyous.ExtCancellationPage', 'joyous.RescheduleMultidayEventPage'] template = "joyous/recurring_event_page.html" content_panels = RecurringEventPage.content_panels0 + [ FieldPanel('num_days'), ] + RecurringEventPage.content_panels1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # EventException models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class EventExceptionBase(models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True # overrides is also the parent, but parent is not set until the # child is saved and added. (NB: is published version of parent) overrides = models.ForeignKey('joyous.RecurringEventPage', null=True, blank=False, related_name='+', verbose_name=_("overrides"), # can't set to CASCADE, so go with SET_NULL on_delete=models.SET_NULL) overrides.help_text = _("The recurring event that we are updating.") # Original properties num_days = property(attrgetter("overrides.num_days")) time_from = property(attrgetter("overrides.time_from")) time_to = property(attrgetter("overrides.time_to")) tz = property(attrgetter("")) group = property(attrgetter("")) category = property(attrgetter("overrides.category")) image = property(attrgetter("overrides.image")) location = property(attrgetter("overrides.location")) website = property(attrgetter("")) # NB: exceptions do not need _first_datetime_from # Init these variables to prevent template DEBUG messages # Yes, this is very ugly. An alternative solution would be welcome. cancellation_details = None extra_information = None postponed_from_when = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def at(self): """ A string describing what time the event starts (in the local time zone). """ return timeFormat(self._getFromTime()) @property def overrides_repeat(self): """ The recurrence rule of the event being overridden. """ return getattr(self.overrides, 'repeat', None)
[docs] def get_context(self, request, *args, **kwargs): retval = super().get_context(request, *args, **kwargs) retval['overrides'] = self.overrides retval['themeCSS'] = getattr(settings, "JOYOUS_THEME_CSS", "") return retval
# TOO CONFUSING. Stick with English and the event's timezone # def get_admin_display_title(self): # if self.has_unpublished_changes: # # WARNING this could be expensive # page = self.get_latest_revision().as_page_object() # else: # page = self # return page.local_title
[docs] def isAuthorized(self, request): """ Is the user authorized for the requested action with this event? """ restrictions = self.get_view_restrictions() if restrictions and request is None: return False else: return all(restriction.accept_request(request) for restriction in restrictions)
[docs] def _copyFieldsFromParent(self, parent): """ Copy across field values from the recurring event parent. """ self.overrides = parent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DateExceptionQuerySet(EventQuerySet): def current(self): qs = super().current() return qs.filter(except_date__gte = todayUtc() - _1day) def future(self): qs = super().future() return qs.filter(except_date__gte = todayUtc() - _1day) def past(self): qs = super().past() return qs.filter(except_date__lte = todayUtc() + _1day) class DateExceptionPageForm(BorgPageForm): def _checkSlugAvailable(self, cleaned_data, slugName=None): if slugName is None: slugName = self.instance.slugName description = getattr(self, 'description', "a {}".format(slugName)) exceptDate = cleaned_data.get('except_date', "invalid") slug = "{}-{}".format(exceptDate, slugName) if not Page._slug_is_available(slug, self.parent_page, self.instance): self.add_error('except_date', _("That date already has") + " " + description.lower())
[docs]class DateExceptionBase(EventExceptionBase): class Meta: abstract = True events = EventManager.from_queryset(DateExceptionQuerySet)() except_date = models.DateField(_("For Date")) except_date.help_text = _("For this date") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def local_title(self): """ Localised version of the human-readable title of the page. """ name = self.title.partition(" for ")[0] exceptDate = getLocalDate(self.except_date, self.time_from, title = _("{exception} for {date}").format(exception=_(name), date=dateFormat(exceptDate)) return title @property def when(self): """ A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone). """ return self._getLocalWhen(self.except_date, self.num_days)
[docs] def full_clean(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply fixups that need to happen before per-field validation occurs. Sets the page's title. """ name = self.slugName.title() # generate the title and slug in English # the translation of the title will happen in the property local_title with translation.override("en"): # FIXME? year may be missing which makes the title ambiguous self.title = "{} for {}".format(name, dateFormat(self.except_date)) self.slug = "{}-{}".format(self.except_date, self.slugName) super().full_clean(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _getLocalWhen(self, date_from, num_days=1): """ Returns a string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone). """ dateFrom, timeFrom = getLocalDateAndTime(date_from, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) if num_days > 1 or self.time_to is not None: daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) dateTo, timeTo = getLocalDateAndTime(date_from + daysDelta, self.time_to, else: dateTo = dateFrom timeTo = None if dateFrom == dateTo: retval = _("{date} {atTime}").format( date=dateFormat(dateFrom), atTime=timeFormat(timeFrom, timeTo, gettext("at "))) else: # Friday the 10th of April for 3 days starting at 1pm finishing at 10am # TODO Is "Friday the 10th of April at 1pm to Sunday the 12th of April at 10am" better???? localNumDays = (dateTo - dateFrom).days + 1 retval = _("{date} for {n} days {startTime}").format( date=dateFormat(dateFrom), n=localNumDays, startTime=timeFormat(timeFrom, prefix=gettext("starting at "))) retval = _("{dateAndStartTime} {finishTime}").format( dateAndStartTime=retval.strip(), finishTime=timeFormat(timeTo, prefix=gettext("finishing at "))) return retval.strip()
[docs] def _getFromTime(self, atDate=None): """ Time that the event starts (in the local time zone). """ return getLocalTime(self.except_date, self.time_from,
[docs] def _getFromDt(self): """ Datetime that the event starts (in the local time zone). """ return getLocalDatetime(self.except_date, self.time_from,
[docs] def _getToDt(self): """ Datetime that the event ends (in the local time zone). """ daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) return getAwareDatetime(self.except_date + daysDelta, self.time_to,
[docs] def _copyFieldsFromParent(self, parent): """ Copy across field values from the recurring event parent. """ super()._copyFieldsFromParent(parent) self.except_date = parent._getMyNextDate()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ExtraInfoQuerySet(DateExceptionQuerySet): def this(self): request = self.request class ThisIterable(ModelIterable): def __iter__(self): for page in super().__iter__(): yield ThisEvent(page.extra_title, page, page.get_url(request)) qs = self._clone() qs._iterable_class = ThisIterable return qs class ExtraInfoPageForm(DateExceptionPageForm): description = _("Extra Information") def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() self._checkSlugAvailable(cleaned_data) return cleaned_data
[docs]class ExtraInfoPage(DateExceptionBase, Page, metaclass=FormDefender): class Meta: verbose_name = _("extra event information") verbose_name_plural = _("extra event information") default_manager_name = "objects" events = EventManager.from_queryset(ExtraInfoQuerySet)() parent_page_types = ["joyous.RecurringEventPage", "joyous.MultidayRecurringEventPage"] subpage_types = [] base_form_class = ExtraInfoPageForm slugName = "extra-info" gettext_noop("Extra-Info") extra_title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=255, blank=True) extra_title.help_text = _("A more specific title for this occurence (optional)") extra_information = RichTextField(_("extra information"), blank=True) extra_information.help_text = _("Information just for this date") search_fields = Page.search_fields + [ index.SearchField('extra_title'), index.SearchField('extra_information'), ] # Note title is not displayed content_panels = [ PageChooserPanel('overrides'), ExceptionDatePanel('except_date'), FieldPanel('extra_title', classname="full title"), FieldPanel('extra_information', classname="full"), ] promote_panels = [] # Original properties details = property(attrgetter("overrides.details")) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def status(self): """ The current status of the event (started, finished or pending). """ now = timezone.localtime() if self._getToDt() < now: return "finished" elif self._getFromDt() < now: return "started" @property def status_text(self): """ A text description of the current status of the event. """ status = self.status if status == "finished": return _("This event has finished.") elif status == "started": return _("This event has started.") else: return "" @property def _current_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event will start or did start in the local timezone, or None if it is finished. """ # _occursOn means a lookup of CancellationPage and ClosedForHolidaysPage # possible performance problem? if not self.overrides._occursOn(self.except_date): return None fromDt = self._getFromDt() toDt = self._getToDt() return fromDt if toDt >= timezone.localtime() else None @property def _future_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event next starts in the local timezone, or None if in the past. """ # possible performance problem? if not self.overrides._occursOn(self.except_date): return None fromDt = self._getFromDt() return fromDt if fromDt >= timezone.localtime() else None @property def _past_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime this event previously started in the local timezone, or None if it never did. """ # possible performance problem? if not self.overrides._occursOn(self.except_date): return None fromDt = self._getFromDt() return fromDt if fromDt < timezone.localtime() else None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CancellationQuerySet(DateExceptionQuerySet): def this(self): request = self.request class ThisIterable(ModelIterable): def __iter__(self): for page in super().__iter__(): yield ThisEvent(page.cancellation_title, page, page.getCancellationUrl(request)) qs = self._clone() qs._iterable_class = ThisIterable return qs class CancellationPageForm(DateExceptionPageForm): description = _("a cancellation") def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() self._checkSlugAvailable(cleaned_data) self._checkSlugAvailable(cleaned_data, "postponement") return cleaned_data
[docs]class CancellationBase(models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True cancellation_title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=255, blank=True) cancellation_title.help_text = _("Show in place of cancelled event " "(Leave empty to show nothing)") cancellation_details = RichTextField(_("details"), blank=True) cancellation_details.help_text = _("Why was the event cancelled?") search_fields = Page.search_fields + [ index.SearchField('cancellation_title'), index.SearchField('cancellation_details'), ] cancellation_panel = MultiFieldPanel([ FieldPanel('cancellation_title', classname="full title"), FieldPanel('cancellation_details', classname="full")], heading=_("Cancellation")) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def status(self): """ The current status of the event """ return "cancelled" @property def status_text(self): """ A text description of the current status of the event. """ return _("This event has been cancelled.")
[docs]class CancellationPage(CancellationBase, DateExceptionBase, Page): class Meta: verbose_name = _("cancellation") verbose_name_plural = _("cancellations") default_manager_name = "objects" events = EventManager.from_queryset(CancellationQuerySet)() parent_page_types = ["joyous.RecurringEventPage", "joyous.MultidayRecurringEventPage"] subpage_types = [] base_form_class = CancellationPageForm slugName = "cancellation" gettext_noop("Cancellation") search_fields = Page.search_fields + CancellationBase.search_fields # Note title is not displayed content_panels = [ PageChooserPanel('overrides'), ExceptionDatePanel('except_date'), CancellationBase.cancellation_panel, ] promote_panels = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _current_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if it would have finished by now. """ if self.except_date not in self.overrides.repeat: return None fromDt = self._getFromDt() toDt = self._getToDt() return fromDt if toDt >= timezone.localtime() else None @property def _future_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if that is in the past. """ if self.except_date not in self.overrides.repeat: return None fromDt = self._getFromDt() return fromDt if fromDt >= timezone.localtime() else None @property def _past_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime of the event that was cancelled in the local timezone, or None if it never would have. """ if self.except_date not in self.overrides.repeat: return None fromDt = self._getFromDt() return fromDt if fromDt < timezone.localtime() else None
[docs] def getCancellationUrl(self, request=None): """ The URL to a page describing the cancellation for Postponements and plain Cancellations. """ url = self.get_url(request) if hasattr(self, "postponementpage"): if url[-1] != '/': url += "/from" else: url += "from/" return url
cancellation_url = property(getCancellationUrl)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PostponementQuerySet(EventQuerySet): def current(self): qs = super().current() return qs.filter(date__gte = todayUtc() - _1day) def future(self): qs = super().future() return qs.filter(date__gte = todayUtc() - _1day) def past(self): qs = super().past() return qs.filter(date__lte = todayUtc() + _1day) def this(self): request = self.request class ThisIterable(ModelIterable): def __iter__(self): for page in super().__iter__(): yield ThisEvent(page.postponement_title, page, page.get_url(request)) qs = self._clone() qs._iterable_class = ThisIterable return qs def byDay(self, fromDate, toDate): request = self.request class ByDayIterable(ModelIterable): def __iter__(self): evods = EventsByDayList(fromDate, toDate) for page in super().__iter__(): thisEvent = ThisEvent(page.postponement_title, page, page.get_url(request)) pageFromDate = getLocalDate(, page.time_from, daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=page.num_days - 1) pageToDate = getLocalDate( + daysDelta, page.time_to, evods.add(thisEvent, pageFromDate, pageToDate) yield from evods qs = self._clone() qs._iterable_class = ByDayIterable return qs.filter(date__range=(fromDate - _1day, toDate + _1day)) class PostponementPageForm(DateExceptionPageForm): description = _("a postponement") def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() self._checkSlugAvailable(cleaned_data) self._checkSlugAvailable(cleaned_data, "cancellation") self._checkStartBeforeEnd(cleaned_data) return cleaned_data def _checkStartBeforeEnd(self, cleaned_data): numDays = cleaned_data.get('num_days', 1) startTime = getTimeFrom(cleaned_data.get('time_from')) endTime = getTimeTo(cleaned_data.get('time_to')) if numDays == 1 and startTime > endTime: self.add_error('time_to', _("Event cannot end before it starts"))
[docs]class RescheduleEventBase(EventBase): """ This class exists just so that the class attributes defined here are picked up by Django before the properties from EventExceptionBase, as well as before EventBase. """ class Meta: abstract = True # num_days from here to come before overrides.num_days num_days = models.IntegerField(_("number of days"), default=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(99)]) # Original properties tz = property(attrgetter("")) group = property(attrgetter("")) uid = property(attrgetter("overrides.uid")) group_page = None get_context = DateExceptionBase.get_context def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class PostponementPage(RoutablePageMixin, RescheduleEventBase, CancellationPage): class Meta: verbose_name = _("postponement") verbose_name_plural = _("postponements") default_manager_name = "objects" events = EventManager.from_queryset(PostponementQuerySet)() parent_page_types = ["joyous.RecurringEventPage"] subpage_types = [] base_form_class = PostponementPageForm slugName = "postponement" gettext_noop("Postponement") postponement_title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=255) postponement_title.help_text = _("The title for the postponed event") date = models.DateField(_("date")) search_fields = Page.search_fields + [ index.SearchField('postponement_title'), ] postponement_panel0 = [ FieldPanel('postponement_title', classname="full title"), ImageChooserPanel('image'), FieldPanel('date')] postponement_panel1 = [ TimePanel('time_from'), TimePanel('time_to'), FieldPanel('details', classname="full"), MapFieldPanel('location'), FieldPanel('website')] postponement_panel = MultiFieldPanel( postponement_panel0 + [HiddenNumDaysPanel()] + postponement_panel1, heading=_("Postponed to")) content_panels = [ PageChooserPanel('overrides'), ExceptionDatePanel('except_date'), CancellationBase.cancellation_panel, postponement_panel, ] promote_panels = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @route(r"^from/$") def serveCancellation(self, request): return TemplateResponse(request, "joyous/postponement_page_from.html", self.get_context(request))
@property def when(self): """ A string describing when the postponement occurs (in the local time zone). """ return DateExceptionBase._getLocalWhen(self,, self.num_days) @property def postponed_from_when(self): """ A string describing when the event was postponed from (in the local time zone). """ what = self.what if what: return _("{what} from {when}").format(what=what, when=self.cancellationpage.when) @property def what(self): """ May return a 'postponed' or 'rescheduled' string depending what the start and finish time of the event has been changed to. """ originalFromDt = dt.datetime.combine(self.except_date, getTimeFrom(self.overrides.time_from)) changedFromDt = dt.datetime.combine(, getTimeFrom(self.time_from)) originalDaysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.overrides.num_days - 1) originalToDt = dt.datetime.combine(self.except_date + originalDaysDelta, getTimeTo(self.overrides.time_to)) changedDaysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) changedToDt = dt.datetime.combine(self.except_date + changedDaysDelta, getTimeTo(self.time_to)) if originalFromDt < changedFromDt: return _("Postponed") elif originalFromDt > changedFromDt or originalToDt != changedToDt: return _("Rescheduled") else: return None @property def postponed_from(self): """ Date that the event was postponed from (in the local time zone). """ fromDate = getLocalDate(self.except_date, self.time_from, return dateFormat(fromDate) @property def postponed_to(self): """ Date that the event was postponed to (in the local time zone). """ toDate = getLocalDate(, self.time_from, return dateFormat(toDate)
[docs] def _getFromTime(self, atDate=None): """ Time that the postponement starts (in the local time zone). """ return getLocalTime(, self.time_from,
[docs] def _getFromDt(self): """ Datetime that the postponement starts (in the local time zone). """ return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,
[docs] def _getToDt(self): """ Datetime that the postponement ends (in the local time zone). """ daysDelta = dt.timedelta(days=self.num_days - 1) return getLocalDatetime( + daysDelta, self.time_to,
[docs] def _copyFieldsFromParent(self, parent): """ Copy across field values from the recurring event parent. """ super()._copyFieldsFromParent(parent) parentFields = set() for panel in parent.content_panels: parentFields.update(panel.required_fields()) pageFields = set() for panel in self.content_panels: pageFields.update(panel.required_fields()) commonFields = parentFields & pageFields for name in commonFields: setattr(self, name, getattr(parent, name)) if self.except_date: = self.except_date + dt.timedelta(days=1) self.postponement_title = parent.title
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class RescheduleMultidayEventPage(ProxyPageMixin, PostponementPage): """ A proxy of PostponementPage that exposes the hidden num_days field. """ class Meta(ProxyPageMixin.Meta): verbose_name = _("postponement") verbose_name_plural = _("postponements") parent_page_types = ["joyous.MultidayRecurringEventPage"] template = "joyous/postponement_page.html" postponement_panel = MultiFieldPanel( PostponementPage.postponement_panel0 + [FieldPanel('num_days')] + PostponementPage.postponement_panel1, heading=_("Postponed to")) content_panels = [ PageChooserPanel('overrides'), ExceptionDatePanel('except_date'), PostponementPage.cancellation_panel, postponement_panel, ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ClosedFor(models.Model): """The holidays we are closed for.""" class Meta: ordering = ['pk'] unique_together = ['page', 'name'] page = ParentalKey('joyous.ClosedForHolidaysPage', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="closed_for") name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=100) # Storing holidays by name is a violation of 1NF, but holidays are # defined programmatically not in the database and the definitions # may change, so there is no holiday_id which can be used instead. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # used by ChoiceWidget.format_value def __str__(self): return class ClosedForHolidaysQuerySet(EventWithHolidaysQuerySet): def this(self): request = self.request class ThisIterable(ModelIterable): def __iter__(self): for page in super().__iter__(): yield ThisEvent(page.cancellation_title, page, page.get_url(request)) qs = self._clone() qs._iterable_class = ThisIterable return qs class ClosedForHolidaysPageForm(BorgPageForm): class Media: css = { 'all': ["admin/css/widgets.css", "joyous/css/holidays_admin.css"] } js = ["/django-admin/jsi18n", "joyous/js/holidays_admin.js"] holidays_class = Holidays description = _("closed for holidays") closed_for = forms.MultipleChoiceField(label=_("These holidays"), required=False, widget=FilteredSelectMultiple( _("Holidays"), is_stacked=False)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['closed_for'].choices = self._holidayChoices() self.initial['closed_for'] = list(self.instance.closed_for.all()) def save(self, commit=True): self._saveChosenHolidays() page = super().save(commit) return page def _holidayChoices(self): if self.instance.holidays is not None: holidays = self.instance.holidays else: holidays = self.holidays_class() retval = [(name, name) for name in holidays.names()] return retval def _saveChosenHolidays(self): chosen = self.cleaned_data.get('closed_for', []) initial = { day for day in self.initial['closed_for']} days = [initial.get(name, ClosedFor(name=name)) for name in chosen] self.instance.closed_for.set(days)
[docs]class ClosedForHolidaysPage(CancellationBase, EventExceptionBase, Page, metaclass=FormDefender): class Meta: verbose_name = _("closed for holidays") verbose_name_plural = _("closed for holidays") default_manager_name = "objects" events = EventWithHolidaysManager.from_queryset(ClosedForHolidaysQuerySet)() parent_page_types = ["joyous.RecurringEventPage"] # TODO add "joyous.MultidayRecurringEventPage" : How would that work? # A. If the first day of the event is a holiday then the event is cancelled, or # B. If a holiday occurs anywhere in the event the event is cancelled, or # C. If every day of the event is a holiday then the event is cancelled? subpage_types = [] base_form_class = ClosedForHolidaysPageForm MAX_REPEAT_COUNT = RecurringEventPage.MAX_REPEAT_COUNT MAX_DATETIME = timezone.make_aware(dt.datetime.max - _2days) MIN_DATETIME = timezone.make_aware(dt.datetime.min + _2days) all_holidays = models.BooleanField(default=True) all_holidays.help_text = "Cancel any occurence of this event on a public holiday" search_fields = Page.search_fields + CancellationBase.search_fields # Note title is not displayed content_panels = [ PageChooserPanel('overrides'), MultiFieldPanel([ FieldPanel('all_holidays'), FieldPanel('closed_for')], heading=_("Closed For")), CancellationBase.cancellation_panel, ] promote_panels = []
[docs] @classmethod def can_create_at(cls, parent): retval = (super().can_create_at(parent) and not cls.objects.descendant_of(parent).exists()) return retval
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.holidays = kwargs.pop("holidays", None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__closedSet = None def full_clean(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply fixups that need to happen before per-field validation occurs. Sets the page's title. """ self.title = "Closed for holidays" self.slug = "closed-for-holidays" super().full_clean(*args, **kwargs) @property def local_title(self): """ Localised version of the human-readable title of the page. """ return _("Closed for holidays") @property def status_text(self): """ A text description of the current status of the event. """ return _("Closed for holidays.") @property def when(self): """ A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone). """ if self.all_holidays: retval = _("Closed on all holidays") else: retval = _("Closed on {}").format(hrJoin(self.closed)) return retval @property def closed(self): """ The list of holidays we are closed for, or "ALL" if we are closed for all holidays. """ if self.all_holidays: retval = "ALL" else: retval = [ for day in self.closed_for.all()] return retval @property def _current_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if it would have finished by now. """ # TODO this code would need to change if this is going to support # MultidayRecurringEventPage return self._future_datetime_from @property def _future_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if that is in the past. """ if self.holidays is None: return self.MAX_DATETIME myNextDt = self.__after(timezone.localtime( if myNextDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def _past_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime of the event that was cancelled in the local timezone, or None if it never would have. """ if self.holidays is None: return self.MIN_DATETIME myPrevDt = self.__before(timezone.localtime( if myPrevDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def _closed_for_dates(self): """ Return all the dates which we are closed for in the local timezone """ for occurence in self._getMyDates(): yield getLocalDate(occurence, self.time_from,
[docs] def _getMyDates(self): """ Return all the dates which we are closed for in the event timezone """ if self.holidays is not None: self._cacheClosedSet() if not self.__closedSet: return None n = 0 for occurence in self.overrides.repeat: n += 1 if n > self.MAX_REPEAT_COUNT: # that's enough, bailing out return None if self._closedOn(occurence): n = 0 yield occurence
[docs] def _getFromTime(self, atDate=None): """ Time that the event starts (in the local time zone). """ return self.overrides._getFromTime(atDate)
[docs] def _cacheClosedSet(self): """ Cache the set of names of the holidays we are closed for. This needs to be re-called if the page's fields change. """ closed = self.closed if closed == "ALL": self.__closedSet = "ALL" else: self.__closedSet = set(self.closed)
[docs] def _closedOn(self, myDate): """ Are we closed for holidays on myDate? """ if self.holidays is None: return False if self.__closedSet is None: self._cacheClosedSet() if not self.__closedSet: return False holiday = self.holidays.get(myDate) if holiday: if self.all_holidays: return True names = holiday.split(", ") return any(name in self.__closedSet for name in names) return False
def __after(self, fromDt, excludeCancellations=True): fromDate = if self.time_from and self.time_from < fromDt.time(): fromDate += _1day self._cacheClosedSet() exceptions = set() shutdowns = [] if excludeCancellations: for cancelled in \ .filter(except_date__gte=fromDate): exceptions.add(cancelled.except_date) shutdowns = \ .filter(Q(cancelled_to_date__gte=fromDate) | Q(cancelled_to_date__isnull = True)) repeat = self.overrides.repeat for n, occurence in enumerate(repeat.xafter(fromDate, inc=True)): if n > self.MAX_REPEAT_COUNT: # that's enough, bailing out, return two days before max # (so we can still do TZ conversions on the result) return self.MAX_DATETIME if occurence in exceptions: continue shutdown = next((shutdown for shutdown in shutdowns if shutdown._closedOn(occurence)), None) if shutdown is not None: if shutdown.cancelled_to_date is None: break else: # the next line is run; coverage is wrong continue # pragma: no cover if not self._closedOn(occurence): continue return getAwareDatetime(occurence, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) def __before(self, fromDt, excludeCancellations=True): fromDate = if self.time_from and self.time_from > fromDt.time(): fromDate -= _1day self._cacheClosedSet() exceptions = set() shutdowns = [] if excludeCancellations: for cancelled in \ .filter(except_date__lte=fromDate): exceptions.add(cancelled.except_date) shutdowns = \ .filter(cancelled_from_date__lte=fromDate) last = None repeat = self.overrides.repeat for occurence in repeat: if occurence > fromDate: break if occurence in exceptions: continue if any(shutdown._closedOn(occurence) for shutdown in shutdowns): continue if not self._closedOn(occurence): continue last = occurence if last is not None: return getAwareDatetime(last, self.time_from,, dt.time.min)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ExtCancellationQuerySet(EventQuerySet): def current(self): qs = super().current() return qs.filter(Q(cancelled_to_date__gte=todayUtc() - _1day) | Q(cancelled_to_date__isnull=True)) def future(self): qs = super().future() return qs.filter(Q(cancelled_to_date__gte=todayUtc() - _1day) | Q(cancelled_to_date__isnull=True)) def past(self): qs = super().past() return qs.filter(cancelled_from_date__lte=todayUtc() + _1day) def this(self): request = self.request class ThisIterable(ModelIterable): def __iter__(self): for page in super().__iter__(): yield ThisEvent(page.cancellation_title, page, page.get_url(request)) qs = self._clone() qs._iterable_class = ThisIterable return qs class ExtCancellationPageForm(BorgPageForm): class Media: css = { 'all': ["joyous/css/recurrence_admin.css"] } def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() self._checkSlugAvailable(cleaned_data) return cleaned_data def _checkSlugAvailable(self, cleaned_data): fromDate = cleaned_data.get('cancelled_from_date', "invalid") siblings = self.parent_page.get_children().not_page(self.instance) pattern = r"{}-.*-cancellation".format(fromDate) if siblings.filter(slug__regex=pattern).exists(): self.add_error('cancelled_from_date', _("There is already an extended cancellation for then"))
[docs]class ExtCancellationPage(CancellationBase, EventExceptionBase, Page, metaclass=FormDefender): class Meta: verbose_name = _("extended cancellation") verbose_name_plural = _("extended cancellations") default_manager_name = "objects" events = EventManager.from_queryset(ExtCancellationQuerySet)() parent_page_types = ["joyous.RecurringEventPage", "joyous.MultidayRecurringEventPage"] subpage_types = [] base_form_class = ExtCancellationPageForm FAR_DATE =,12,31) cancelled_from_date = models.DateField(_("From Date")) cancelled_from_date.help_text = _("Cancelled from this date") cancelled_to_date = models.DateField(_("To Date"), null=True, blank=True) cancelled_to_date.help_text = _('Cancelled to this date ' '(Leave empty for "until further notice")') search_fields = Page.search_fields + CancellationBase.search_fields # Note title is not displayed content_panels = [ PageChooserPanel('overrides'), TZDatePanel('cancelled_from_date'), TZDatePanel('cancelled_to_date'), CancellationBase.cancellation_panel, ] promote_panels = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def local_title(self): """ Localised version of the human-readable title of the page. """ title = _("Cancellation from {fromDate} {untilWhen}").format( fromDate=dateFormat(self.cancelled_from_date), untilWhen=self.until_when) return title @property def until_when(self): """ A string describing how long we are cancelled for """ if self.cancelled_to_date is not None: retval = _("to {}").format(dateFormat(self.cancelled_to_date)) else: retval = _("until further notice") return retval @property def when(self): """ A string describing when the event occurs (in the local time zone). """ retval = _("Cancelled from {fromDate} {untilWhen}").format( fromDate=dateFormat(self.cancelled_from_date), untilWhen=self.until_when) return retval @property def _current_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if it would have finished by now. """ myNow = timezone.localtime( timeFrom = getTimeFrom(self.time_from) timeTo = getTimeTo(self.time_to) # Yes this ignores DST transitions and milliseconds timeDelta = dt.timedelta(days = self.num_days - 1, hours = timeTo.hour - timeFrom.hour, minutes = timeTo.minute - timeFrom.minute, seconds = timeTo.second - timeFrom.second) myNextDt = self.__after(myNow - timeDelta) if myNextDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def _future_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime the event that was cancelled would start in the local timezone, or None if that is in the past. """ myNextDt = self.__after(timezone.localtime( if myNextDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max) @property def _past_datetime_from(self): """ The datetime of the event that was cancelled in the local timezone, or None if it never would have. """ myPrevDt = self.__before(timezone.localtime( if myPrevDt is not None: return getLocalDatetime(, self.time_from,, dt.time.max)
[docs] def full_clean(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply fixups that need to happen before per-field validation occurs. Sets the page's title. """ # generate the title and slug in English # the translation of the title will happen in the property local_title with translation.override("en"): if self.cancelled_to_date is not None: # FIXME? year may be missing which makes the title ambiguous titleTo = "to " + dateFormat(self.cancelled_to_date) slugTo = str(self.cancelled_to_date) else: titleTo = "until further notice" slugTo = "" # FIXME? year may be missing which makes the title ambiguous self.title = "Cancellation from {} {}".format( dateFormat(self.cancelled_from_date), titleTo) self.slug = "{}-{}-cancellation".format( self.cancelled_from_date, slugTo) super().full_clean(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _getMyDates(self,, toDate=FAR_DATE): """ Return all the dates which we are cancelled for in the event timezone. Only if the event occurs on those dates. Limited by fromDate and toDate if given. """ if self.cancelled_from_date > fromDate: fromDate = self.cancelled_from_date if (self.cancelled_to_date is not None and self.cancelled_to_date < toDate): toDate = self.cancelled_to_date repeat = self.overrides.repeat yield from repeat.between(fromDate, toDate, inc=True)
[docs] def _getMyRawDates(self,, toDate=FAR_DATE): """ Return all the dates which we are cancelled for in the event timezone. Without considering if the event occurs on those dates. Limited by fromDate and toDate if given. """ if self.cancelled_from_date > fromDate: fromDate = self.cancelled_from_date if (self.cancelled_to_date is not None and self.cancelled_to_date < toDate): toDate = self.cancelled_to_date fromOrd = fromDate.toordinal() toOrd = toDate.toordinal() for ord in range(fromOrd, toOrd+1): yield
[docs] def _getFromTime(self, atDate=None): """ Time that the event starts (in the local time zone). """ return self.overrides._getFromTime(atDate)
[docs] def _closedOn(self, myDate): """ Are we closed on myDate? """ if self.cancelled_to_date is not None: retval = (self.cancelled_from_date <= myDate <= self.cancelled_to_date) else: retval = self.cancelled_from_date <= myDate return retval
def __after(self, fromDt): fromDate = if self.time_from and self.time_from < fromDt.time(): fromDate += _1day if fromDate < self.cancelled_from_date: fromDate = self.cancelled_from_date occurence = self.overrides.repeat.after(fromDate, inc=True) if (self.cancelled_to_date is None or occurence <= self.cancelled_to_date): return getAwareDatetime(occurence, self.time_from,, dt.time.min) def __before(self, fromDt): fromDate = if self.time_from and self.time_from > fromDt.time(): fromDate -= _1day if (self.cancelled_to_date is not None and fromDate > self.cancelled_to_date): fromDate = self.cancelled_to_date occurence = self.overrides.repeat.before(fromDate, inc=True) if occurence >= self.cancelled_from_date: return getAwareDatetime(occurence, self.time_from,, dt.time.min)
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