Source code for ls.joyous.utils.manythings

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# Many things utilities
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from django.utils.translation import get_language
from django.utils.translation import to_locale
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _, gettext_noop
from num2words import num2words

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def _n2w(n, to):
        return num2words(n, lang=to_locale(get_language()), to=to)
    except NotImplementedError:
        # fall back to gettext for these words
        return _(num2words(n, lang="en", to=to))

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[docs]def toOrdinal(n): """ Returns the ordinal name of a number e.g. 'first' """ if n == -1: retval = _("last") elif n == -2: retval = _("penultimate") elif 1 <= n <= 5: retval = _n2w(n, to="ordinal") else: retval = _n2w(n, to="ordinal_num") return retval
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[docs]def toTheOrdinal(n, inTitleCase=True): """ Returns the definite article with the ordinal name of a number e.g. 'the second' Becomes important for languages with multiple definite articles (e.g. French) """ if n == -1: retval = _("the last") elif n == -2: retval = _("the penultimate") elif n == 1: retval = _("the first") elif n == 2: retval = _("the second") elif n == 3: retval = _("the third") elif n == 4: retval = _("the fourth") elif n == 5: retval = _("the fifth") else: retval = _("the") if inTitleCase: retval = retval.capitalize() retval += " "+_n2w(n, to="ordinal_num") return retval if inTitleCase: retval = retval.capitalize() return retval
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def toDaysOffsetStr(offset): retval = "" if offset <= -2: n = num2words(-offset, lang=to_locale(get_language()), to="cardinal") retval = _("{N} days before").format(N=n.capitalize()) elif offset == -1: retval = _("The day before") elif offset == 1: retval = _("The day after") elif offset >= 2: n = num2words(offset, lang=to_locale(get_language()), to="cardinal") retval = _("{N} days after").format(N=n.capitalize()) return retval # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hrJoin(items): """ Joins items together in a human readable string e.g. 'wind, ice and fire' """ conjuction = " "+_("and")+" " if len(items) <= 2: return conjuction.join(items) else: return ", ".join(items[:-1]) + conjuction + items[-1]
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